Among all the perks T-Mobile has offered over the past few years, not many are as beloved as free MLB.tv is. If you like baseball at all, and you happen to have a T-Mobile line, then it’s just natural to claim it again every time it’s offered.
It’s one of the longest running perks T-Mobile has had, with this year being the ninth year the deal has been offered. Get ready, because it’s almost time to claim it, too, so if you haven’t yet, set your calendars.
T-Mobile’s now featuring the free MLB.tv subscription in the T-Life app, although clicking it right now will say that “it’s not quite Tuesday.” The date of March 26th was previously announced, so this comes as no surprise, but it does mean that T-Mobile is making all necessary arrangements to roll this out to users on time. It’s coming next Tuesday, so make sure to keep an eye out for it. You should also keep in mind that blackout dates apply, as well as other restrictions.
The promotion will run from March 26th to April 1st, so you have an extremely limited window to claim this. Once it’s live, all you need to do is go into the T-Life app in order to claim it.
As a reminder, the subscription offers access to all MLB out-of-market games, including a multi-view feature for up to four games at once and coverage of minor league teams. At a value of $149.99, it’s quite a decent offer from the magenta carrier.
Oh, and be careful. Using the free MLB.tv offer on a device connected to a cell network other than T-Mobile has caused the deal to be nullified in the past, so be sure to only use it on your own devices (and at home).
You just have 6 days, though, which is why we can’t stress this enough. In fact, you should probably stop reading this article right now and set a reminder, for good measure.