T-Mobile has been offering Magenta MAX customers a free line since early March, initially requiring customers to not have other free lines but later removing that catch. That offer ends today.
According to a document shared with us here at The Mobile Report, the free line promotion, called “Line on Us: Free with New Voice on Max”, is set to end today, March 28th.
In addition to the free line ending, the $200 port promotion is also ending at the end of the month. This promo gives customers porting their number in from a competitor a $200 rebate gift card. That offer ends on March 31st.
The free line promo, with internal name of “2023 Line On Us P6”, has been a bit convoluted over the past month. It started life as a very limited promotion for Magenta MAX customers who had no other free lines. Customers quickly discovered that the promo was working even if they did have free lines already.
T-Mobile modified the promotion on March 9th to say that customers who receive the promo will retain it, even if they didn’t technically qualify. Then they modified it again to reinforce the requirements, though it seems it was still able to be added to any MAX account.
Finally, on March 25th, the company internally advertised to sales representatives that a new free line promotion was available. They claimed it was for one day only, and included a waived DCC fee. After many hours of confusion, it turns out this was just the same “Line On Us P6” offer. It’s still unclear why employees were essentially lied to, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Long story short, pretty much anyone on a Magenta MAX plan with less than 12 lines is eligible for this promo. If you have not yet added a free line during this promo and you have Magenta MAX, you’ll want to do so today. The line can be added via support chat or, at your own risk, added online. The DCC fee is no longer being waived, but the line itself will be free for the life of the account.