Many of you are aware of the infamous free lines that T-Mobile occasionally offers. The carrier occasionally allows existing customers to simply add a standard voice line to their account with no (or few) strings attached. We now know what and when the next free line will be offered, and what stipulations there are to getting it.
According to a leaked document shared with us here at The Mobile Report, T-Mobile will be offering a completely free voice line to existing customers who are on the Magenta MAX plan (with some prerequisites).
In order to be eligible for this new T-Mobile free line, not only must you be on Magenta MAX (or Business Unlimited Ultimate/Plus), but you must also not have any existing free lines on the account. Not only that, but customers taking advantage of the promo will not be able to stack a phone promotion on top of it.
The last time a free line was offered was back in December, and it was a bit of a weird one. The eligibility was never entirely known, but many people on Magenta plans were able to add it. This new offer is limited only to the most premium of T-Mobile plans.
Clearly the days of unrestricted free lines are long gone. Back in 2020 the carrier offered at least four or five completely free lines to almost all postpaid customers with no strings attached. These lines were not only free for life on the account, but were also eligible for phone promos.
Plus, there were no limitations on acquiring future free lines too. As an example, my personal account has 12 lines, and 6 of them are completely free. Plus, those were the days before a unified DCC fee, and customers were able to add the free line themselves online and have no cost at all.
The modern T-Mobile is looking to save money, cut costs, and inflate increase subscriber numbers. This new offer is restrictive enough that the company won’t lose too much money on the free lines added, plus they’ll get that sweet $35 fee on each one.
The document suggests that, as long as you meet the qualifications, you should be eligible. That being said, there is the slim chance that T-Mobile will only grace some accounts with the eligibility code and not all eligible accounts. We’ll have to wait and see.
Customers interested in taking advantage of this promotion, named 2023 Line On Us P6, can do so beginning March 9th, either in-store, via support, or probably online too.