Having a second line on your phone, whether it be for business or personal use, can be pretty handy. It’s a popular option, with many users using separate carriers for each line to have more complete coverage. T-Mobile thinks their network is good enough though, and has a new option for second lines being tested in very select markets.
According to documents shared with us here at The Mobile Report, T-Mobile is now offering a “Second Line” in a few very select areas in the US.

The second line has no data, and is meant to simply be a second number for use on the same line via a “dual SIM” setup. Compatible phones would use a single physical SIM and an eSIM, or two eSIMs.
This idea might sound familiar if you’ve been with T-Mobile for a while. The company has offered “DIGITS” lines since 2017, which offer both a number and data, as second lines.
T-Mobile is marketing it as a convenient way to have a second number without the need for dedicated apps. Customers can use it for a work number, to migrate their landline numbers, or have a number for their “side hustles”.

The line starts at a base price of $25, though a “Hybrid BAN” discount reduces it to $15, and since a voice line is required for this anyway, it seems basically everyone that gets the second line will pay that discounted price. If you aren’t at your autopay discount maximum, the price drops another $5 to just $10 per month.
It’s not clear what actual benefit, if any, this new “Second Line” service offers over DIGITS. It could easily be a test program to possibly replace DIGITS in the future, but who knows. It’s nice that they labeled it a test pilot this time though.
As for who’s eligible, it seems pretty much anyone on a postpaid plan can add a “Second Line”, as long as you have a dual sim phone that can do “Dual Standby”.
The new feature is only available as part of a “market trial” in Seattle and South Florida. T-Mobile’s documents are clear that it’s a test, and only certain reps are able to add it to customer’s plans.
If you’re interested, and happen to live in one of those two markets, you can sign up at a nearby store or via customer support.